William Rose School

Excellence in sensory and special education

Telephone02 9838 4893


About our school

William Rose School provides excellence in sensory and special education for your child through unique, innovative educational programs.

These programs are individualised to suit the learning and sensory needs of each student which may include students with vision, hearing impairments and students who are deaf blind.

We provide innovative adaptive technology engaging students in their learning especially in the areas of literacy and numeracy with a focus on communication and functional life skills. 

Our state of the art programs prepare our students for the future and encourage them to be productive, happy members within their community.

The staff at William Rose School are highly qualified in the areas of vision, hearing and special education.

They are dedicated to creating a supportive, dynamic learning environment for your child and are constantly upgrading their skills through professional learning and development.

We are a welcoming school community that encourages and values parent involvement to enrich their child's learning.

We value the support of the whole school community for providing greater opportunities for our students.