William Rose School

Excellence in sensory and special education

Telephone02 9838 4893



Students engage in meaningful programs with incursions and excursions across our school community. These community access programs help develop skills for future success and wellbeing in life.

Each student will have different community program opportunities that are individualised according to their learning and priority goals. 

At the beginning of each school term, parents and carers will receive a hard copy bundle of notes related to their child's community access programs, whole school activities, and general school permissions.

Notes can also be located on the 'Notes' tab within your child's class group corresponding with the name of your child's teacher. If you happen to misplace a permission note, please print one out from here.

The permission note can be returned in two ways:

  • Option 1: Sign the permission notes and return to the classroom teacher.
  • Option 2: Sign the eNote (Electronic Permission Note) located on the William Rose School Application.

We encourage any parents and carers wishing to volunteer within the school to apply for a Working With Children's Check (WWCC).

Please access the Working with Children Check and complete Appendix 5, the Declaration for Volunteers, Parent and Volunteers Policy and Code of Conduct, Community Engagement Volunteer Form and Non-Child Related Contractors form.

Together with the William Rose School Parent and Volunteers Policy (PDF 64KB), which is applicable for parents/carers of William Rose School). 

Further volunteer information can be located on the William Rose School application.