Transition is the process of preparing your child and family for after school life.
The transitional process involves a focus on skills that will assist your child successfully transitioning into a future pathway.
Some of the skills focused on during this period include; communication, daily living skills, travel skills, problem solving, choice making, social skills, vocational skills, self-care and work skills.
Once your child is in Year 10 their Individual Transition Plans (ITP) drives their educational program. Individual Transition Plans focus on promoting independence, productivity and increasing a student's ability to integrate into the community as a lifelong learner.
When your child graduates Year 12, they will transition into a post school option program. There are two pathways:
- Employment (Disability Employment Support, open workplace, other National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) employment support)
- Community Participation Program (interest based groups, integrating into the community)
Placement will be based on an eligibility assessment which is conducted during an exit meeting. There will be 3 exit meetings throughout the year, one at the beginning of Year 12 school to devise an exit plan for your child.
Second exit meeting is conducted to complete your child's eligibility assessment. While the third exit meeting is conducted to finalise the program that best fits your child. You will be contacted by the careers advisor, who will guide you through the process along with the support transition teacher.
The transition process begins for your child at the beginning of kindergarten. During your child's early school years we focus on developing their independence by empowering students through increasing their communication, personal care, mobility and manage age appropriate behaviours.
Additional information located in package is directly from the following organisations:
- National Disability Insurance Agency
- NDIS - Complaints Management Resolutions Guidance - v2.1 - Sept 2019
- NDIS - Handling complaints and resolutions guide
- NDIS - Particpant Service Charter
If you require any further information please contact the school on 02 9838 4893.